The OATG Journal
OATG publishes its 32-page full-colour journal, Asian Textiles, three times a year in Spring, Summer and Autumn.
Download a Pdf file: Guidelines for articles and pictures for Asian Textiles. For further information or contributions contact the Editor.
Current Issue of ASIAN TEXTILES Journal
Asian Textiles - No 89 - 32pp, Autumn 2024
Access colour PDF of No 89 (available to members to download with the password on the back page)
The saukele and other tall hats from Central Asia by Nick Fielding
Through Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan with Sheila Paine by Angela Thompson
Elements of traditional San′ani everyday wear by Ahmed A. Al-Aud
A felt-backed kilim 1st to 3rd century CE possibly from Central Asia
Women behind the weave by Gavin Strachan
Exhibition review: Do Ho Suh Traces in Time by Judith Kennard

Issues of Asian Textiles from 1-71 (1-38 known as the Newsletter) are available as pdf files to download free here.
Issues published in the last 3 calendar years are password protected for OATG members only and can be accessed on the Members' Resources page. To access the on-line version of this edition of Asian Textiles you will need the username and password which are printed inside the back cover of the journal. Access to the pdfs is free to all those who received a hard copy of Asian Textiles either as a member or by purchasing it as an individual issue. If you are not an OATG member, go to the Membership section of this website and join up now. If you do not have the required username or password to download an issue, but believe you qualify for access to them, contact the web editor.
To receive regular copies of Asian Textiles you are invited to subscribe to the Oxford Asian Textile Group.