Join OATG today!
Just £25!
Joint membership is £35
Warren Hastings’ Gloves
c. 1780
Ashmolean Museum

How to Join
To join the OATG please insert all of your details on the adjacent membership form indicating how you wish to pay your subscription and confirming you are happy for the OATG to retain your personal details. Click ‘submit’ and our Membership Secretary will confirm your membership once your initial payment has been received.
Our bank details: Lloyds TSB, 2-4 High Street, Carfax, Oxford, Oxfordshire OX1 4AA
Sort Code: 30-11-27
Account Number: 00399254
Account name: Oxford Asian Textile Group
To make life simple for you and for us we encourage all members with a UK bank account to pay their annual subscriptions by Standing Order. You can either set this up through online banking, or complete this form and post it to your bank. Please instruct them to make the first payment immediately and subsequent payments on 1st October annually.

Katazome Yukata
Ashmolean Museum
If you have to pay by cheque, please make it payable to ‘Oxford Asian Textile Group’ and post it with your completed membership form to:
Sheila Allen, OATG Treasurer, 19 Southmoor Road, Oxford OX2 6RF.
Payment via Paypal is only available for non-UK residents without a UK bank account. If you have elected to pay by this means you will be sent a PayPal invoice.
If you have any queries about OATG membership please contact the Membership Secretary at
Annual membership of the OATG runs from 1 October to 30 September. As a concession those joining between 1 July and 30 September do not need to renew their membership until 1 October of the following year. Single membership is just £25 per annum and joint membership is £35 per annum.
Additional benefits of Membership
The subscription includes our journal Asian Textiles published three times a year, including postage to any address in the world. A pdf of the most recent issue of Asian Textiles will be sent to you when your payment is received.
All members are entitled to access pdf files of full colour editions of Asian Textiles found here. Members can also access video recordings of our online events through the Members Resources page.

Detail of Hmong Baby Carrier, 1999
Pitt Rivers Museum, 2000.35.1